For Resail doesn't Santa bring the presents ...

For Resail doesn't Santa bring the presents ...



A very important part of our work is based upon the help that we receive from our fellow sailors and friends. In our short for the moment career we met a lot of people that happily stud to our side helping us by collecting and offering already used sailing materials for our purpose. A great part of our used materials collection came from the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki. The day that the doors of the warehouse opened it was for us a revelation. Our first jewelry was created from nautical parts and ropes that Nikos gave us. A real loot! “You can take whatever you wish”, he told us, over a workbench which for others was full of waste. But not for us. At a glance everything seemed dirty and old. But for us it was a bench full of potential. And that’s how it happened. After serious work on the dandifying and cleaning our treasure, Resail proudly presented the first jewelry collection out of reused sailing materials.
Also of great interest to us besides the “presents” of Nikos, was the great sailor’s love for a good drink. So the bar of the club happily provided us with the most beautiful marbles that live inside the necks of the bottles. Tanqueray, Famous, Absolut and many more have been sacrificed on the altar of the creation of a unique pair of earrings or a wonderful bracelet. The potentials are unlimited.
We would like to thank the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki and its athletes, that by using their sailing equipment onboard racing, enjoying and why not winning, they worn it down in such a way that only the hand of Resail could give to those materials a second life. To transform them into nautical jewelry.
Today we dedicated our thank – you letter to the NCTH. Stay tuned because there are many more little elves out there caring and working for Resail, by gathering already used sailing materials and we shall reveal them one by one during the next few episodes!