Is sailing in fashion or reusing sailing materials became fashionable?

Is sailing in fashion or reusing sailing materials became fashionable?



 Is sailing in fashion or reusing sailing materials became fashionable?
Sailing is a classic and timeless sport which is inseparably connected to the sea. Nevertheless, another aspect of how certain people feel about sailing equipment came to light. The Resail Team has decided to convert into a woman's affair, materials and gear that set in motion sailing boats of all types.
A lot of times the three of us, the members of the Resail Team, had long conversations with each other, while wondering who sets the rules of what is in fashion and what is not. From the moment that we have decided to create jewelry, we have put ourselves in the process of monitoring fashion trends and creating accessories, as much as that is possible, according to the newest fashion-marks. But it is not always that easy. The materials that we use are so special and unique that the Resail Team eventually created its own trend.
It is very often that all of these seem a massive task to me. I was never the type of woman who spent excessive time on fashion. ''What am I going to wear in order to be in mainstream fashion?'', ''Keep in mind what is new and what became suddenly old fashioned!'' That was not me! I was always looking for clothes that were cozy and made me feel comfortable. And, out of the blue, I realised that even I belong to that category of those people who influence in their own way the appearance of other women. Eventually, my team and I became a part of what is called the world of fashion.
So now our concerns focus on that. Do we follow step by step all the new entries that are dictated in every season, or do we make our statement opposing to all barriers and try to stand out having our own personal mark? Which is the element that makes something really unique by all terms? Unique not only in the mind of the consumer. Could sailing athletes support by adding to their appearance jewelry which they are aware of the materials used for its creation? On the other hand, would our beautiful female audience dare to wear something that by first impression does not bring in mind anything familiar? It is very much possible that we will have to reeducate both sides, as they constitute two different sides of the same coin?
Types of people that are athletic or elegant, ordinary or sophisticated, others that distinguish jewelry into summer or winter pieces, formal or casual, all of these people are a great challenge to us. To open their minds and let them see beyond their sight, with our own eyes and accept that every piece of nautical jewelry is uniquely created since it carries its own history regarding the materials out of which it is made, is a great challenge to us. Each piece of jewelry is a part of the fashion world for anyone who has the courage to support it.